Oh yeah... Norwegian for Beginners

Velkomme oh mighty link!

While looking for some info and tired of listening to a woman saying repeatedly "Ja, Nai, Velkommen, Hyggelig a treffe deg..." I found this page that have REALLY good information for begginers:

I have to confess that I think I arrived at this link putting on Google "Norwegian for dummies" :D So ashame of myself, but I think I found the GREATEST place for norwegian dummies like me :D

Like a scholl teacher, the page showed me that the verb "to be" it´s so easy that you can be ROFL for a while after beeing in front of a monitor trying to learn how to say a simple phrase like: "I am Adrian"

Jeg er Adrian
er... er... That´s the verb. So I can learn Jeg (I), Du (You), Han(He), Hun(She), Det(It), Vi(We), Dere(You), De(They) and start to use them on simple phrases:

Jeg er Adrian, Dere er leser bloget. (That´s a Tarzan way of saying: I am Adrian, you all are reading this blog. :D)

How do you pronounce it? I have no idea... But is good to know that the verb "To be" as all the verbs in norwegian has only one single form for all persons.
  • Jeg er Morten. I am Morten.

  • Du er Morten. You are Morten.

  • Han er Morten. He is Morten.

  • Hun er Anne. She is Anne.

  • Det er Morten. It is/This is Morten.

  • Vi er Morten og Anne. We are Morten and Anne.

  • Dere er Morten og Anne. You are Morten and Anne.

  • De er Morten og Anne. They are Morten and Anne.

Those are the examples of this great page. It will be spending some thime on it, because it have 5 lessons to do and excercises to practice.


Saturn_Sky92 said…
I am an American wanting to learn to speak and write Norwegian. I stumbled across this site browsing through a list of For Dummies books. So to ease my curiosity on a google search I typed in "Norwegian For Dummies" and this was one of the sites and here I am. Thank you for this site.
Adrianifero said…
Nice, i hope this material helps you.. It was very useful for me!

;P said…
Lol.. xD I'm norwegian.. and that wasn't... perfect. But it worked ;P
Andrea said…
Well, that wasnt bad for an american who dont know norwegian bt still not 100% right:P bt keep on and you'll learn norwegian some day:D
"Dere leser min blogg" - You'r reading my blog:p
Anonymous said…
Hello! I am norwegian but I'm sorry to say that some of the norwegian on this page is not really norwegian. It must be a google-translation. But I'm so happy for the attempt to learn. Keep on and don't give up ;)
Anonymous said…
You're kidding, right?
Practically all of your Norwegian spelling (minus the Norwegian you copy and pasted) is incorrectly spelled. It's one of the hardest languages to learn, and if you don't know how to pronounce certain words- look it up in a Norwegian dictionary, it will give you the proper pronunciation.
It is also important to remember that Norwegians pronounce every single letter in a word, as opposed to English with knife, knight, etc.
Also, in Norwegian, things are often said in a different order than in English.
Posts should be educational instead of a last minute thing.


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