
When you want to know something, you can always ask to "uncle google". He has all answers to your prayers.

Google refeered me to this page where I found a lot of resourses... All of then USELESS! The first resource is a page with Audio files for learning norwegian that have useful mp3 files with the text to read in a link but they are for advanced listeners. I don´t know how to say "Hello" yet so it´s hopeless to try to understand something there.

I visited this page too where I found a lot os phrases without meaning to me, because I see them and I don´t know how to pronounce them!

So, I had to make a better research, looking in Google for words like "norwegian", "learn", "audio", "mp3", etc, until i found this page:


And found this useful list:

Ja = Yes
Nei = No
Velkommen = Welcome
Hyggelig å treffe deg = Pleased to meet you
Hallo = Hello (finally!!!)
Ha det = Goodbye
Takk = Thank you
Mitt navn er = My name is
Snakker du engelsk? = Do you speak English?
Beklager, jeg snakker ikke norsk = I´m sorry, I don´t speak Norwegian
Kan du hjelpe meg = Can you help me?
Hvor er toalettet? = Where is the toilet?

Whooo whooo! I downloaded the mp3 file and put it directly into my Ipod. So now I can listen to while i´m walking, driving or talking with someone.


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