Norwegian audio
It´s amazing how much you can learn when you hear.
I didn´t find anyone from Norway in the skypecast, only people that have been there and know a little about the language. But I found a lot of resources on internet searching on Google the words "norwegian audio"
So that´s how I reached, a web page with a lot of useful resources to learn norsk. A few days ago I closed this page without looking at it, because the navigation menu was in Norsk, but right now, thanks to what I learned I´m not afraid to visit a page in norsk anymore.

When you enter you can click in the right menu the link called alfabetet and start listening to words in norsk (yep, it has audio) . You can listen to words like "telefon" (telephone) or "gaffel" (fork) right there clicking on the little speaker.I didn´t find anyone from Norway in the skypecast, only people that have been there and know a little about the language. But I found a lot of resources on internet searching on Google the words "norwegian audio"
So that´s how I reached, a web page with a lot of useful resources to learn norsk. A few days ago I closed this page without looking at it, because the navigation menu was in Norsk, but right now, thanks to what I learned I´m not afraid to visit a page in norsk anymore.

The first part of the menú it´s an introduction to Norsk words, the second part is about grammatics, the third one it´s for start using phrases in norsk. I will try to download all the audio and make one big audio file with all the words. That way I can go out with my iPod and listen to new words in norsk.