
Skypecasts are a great way to learn different languages. The are live conversations with people of all around the world. Anyone with Skype can join a convesation and start talking about anything they want.

I didn´t think it twice and started to look for a skypecast in norwegian. Unfortunately, norwegian is not a language very popular, so there´s no skypecast open for norwegian people.

But I found that you can create your own skypecast. So I started my own skypecast called "Learning Norwegian". I met only one person that is from England, lives in Spain and was married to a Norwegian girl.

All our conversation was in english, of course. But I learned that is not difficult to learn Norwegian when you are in Norway. He learned in the streets talking with people and says that if you know english, you can learn that language without problems...

In my case, I have to try to learn it without being in the country, so may be Skypecast will help me in the future when I can say a phrase or two in norwegian.


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