
Showing posts from August, 2007

Norwegian Alfabetet

In a recent post i talked about, a very useful resource on the net to people triying to learn norwegian. I talked about making a big audio file with all the words that were used on the alphabet posted on that page. Well, here it is: Alphabetic ordered words in norwegian (mp3, 531 kb) The alphabetic ordered words in this audio file are: A Ananas Pineapple B Batteri Battery C Cd Cd D Dollar Dollar E Egg Egg F Film Film G Gaffel Fork H Hand Hand I Ild Fire J Jorda Earth K Krone crown L Løve Lion M Mobil Cellphone N Nøkkel Key O ...

Norwegian audio

It´s amazing how much you can learn when you hear. I didn´t find anyone from Norway in the skypecast, only people that have been there and know a little about the language. But I found a lot of resources on internet searching on Google the words " norwegian audio " So that´s how I reached , a web page with a lot of useful resources to learn norsk. A few days ago I closed this page without looking at it, because the navigation menu was in Norsk, but right now, thanks to what I learned I´m not afraid to visit a page in norsk anymore. When you enter you can click in the right menu the link called alfabetet and start listening to words in norsk (yep, it has audio) . You can listen to words like " telefon " (telephone) or " gaffel " (fork) right there clicking on the little speaker. The first part of the menú it´s an introduction to Norsk words, the second part is about grammatics, the third one it´s for start using phrases in norsk. I wi...


Skypecasts are a great way to learn different languages. The are live conversations with people of all around the world. Anyone with Skype can join a convesation and start talking about anything they want. I didn´t think it twice and started to look for a skypecast in norwegian. Unfortunately, norwegian is not a language very popular, so there´s no skypecast open for norwegian people. But I found that you can create your own skypecast. So I started my own skypecast called "Learning Norwegian". I met only one person that is from England, lives in Spain and was married to a Norwegian girl. All our conversation was in english, of course. But I learned that is not difficult to learn Norwegian when you are in Norway. He learned in the streets talking with people and says that if you know english, you can learn that language without problems... In my case, I have to try to learn it without being in the country, so may be Skypecast will help me in the future when I can say a ...

Oh yeah... Norwegian for Beginners

Velkomme oh mighty link ! While looking for some info and tired of listening to a woman saying repeatedly " Ja, Nai, Velkommen, Hyggelig a treffe deg... " I found this page that have REALLY good information for begginers: Norwegian for Begginers I have to confess that I think I arrived at this link putting on Google " Norwegian for dummies " :D So ashame of myself, but I think I found the GREATEST place for norwegian dummies like me :D Like a scholl teacher, the page showed me that the verb "to be" it´s so easy that you can be ROFL for a while after beeing in front of a monitor trying to learn how to say a simple phrase like: "I am Adrian" Jeg er Adrian er... er... That´s the verb. So I can learn Jeg (I), Du (You), Han(He), Hun(She), Det(It), Vi(We), Dere(You), De(They) and start to use them on simple phrases: Jeg er Adrian, Dere er leser bloget. (That´s a Tarzan way of saying: I am Adrian, you all are reading this blog. :D) How do you pronounce...

How In the hell...

I´m trusting in a method i learned while I was trying to learn how to play Guitar. I didn´t know anything about notes, chords or music at all, but I toke the guitar and started to repeat the intro of Nirvana´s Smells like teen spirits. I repeated it all afternon that day, 1995 was the year and I had only 15 years counting. I found that if I repeatedly played a song with the cd playing it, it didn´t matter if I knew the chord´s names or anything, because later I can play the song perfectly all by myself. So, in this case, how I am suposed to learn phrases that I don´t understand? For sure I can know that "Ja" is "Yes", but I have no idea where is the "don´t speak" in the phrase: " Beklager, jeg snakker ikke norsk" . So i´m using the method. I repeatedly play the mp3 file in my iPod and let my ear accustom to the sounds. I can say without problems " Kan du hjelpe meg? " and I know I´m saying "Can you help me?" because it sounds...


When you want to know something, you can always ask to "uncle google". He has all answers to your prayers. Google refeered me to this page where I found a lot of resourses... All of then USELESS! The first resource is a page with Audio files for learning norwegian that have useful mp3 files with the text to read in a link but they are for advanced listeners. I don´t know how to say "Hello" yet so it´s hopeless to try to understand something there. I visited this page too where I found a lot os phrases without meaning to me, because I see them and I don´t know how to pronounce them! So, I had to make a better research, looking in Google for words like "norwegian", "learn", "audio", "mp3", etc, until i found this page: And found this useful list: Ja = Yes Nei = No Velkommen = Welcome Hyggelig å treffe deg = Pleased to meet you Hallo = Hello (finally!!!) Ha det...


Well, it´s a basic idea. It was Sunday, I was watching movies in my house with some friends and we started to watch " The Boy With The Incredible Brain " where they show a boy called Daniel Tammet who has a extremly impressive capacity of doing complex math operations and can learn a completly new language in only 7 days. They finish the movie showing how he learned Islandic in only 7 days. "Well" - I tought - "I would like to put a test to myself". I´m willing to learn a new language from zero and test my learning time in days. I have a finish line in March 2008, when I want to go to Europe for first time in my life. There I will visit Norway and test myself in real life. Well, let´s start, time is gold... Let´s find how to say "hello" in norwegian!