
Blogs from people from norway are a great tool to familiarize with norwegian. At first I was afraid of not understanding anything, but when you read and read you start to recongnize some phrases and words. And people puts a lot of pics in their blogs, that helps a lot because you can know about what they are talking.

There are a few blogs that i´m following. Those are from people traveling around the world, studying or simply writing from their country.
(She is studying in san diego, good to read)
(Andrea in England, she recently got there)
(She write about things she do. Cards, gifts and some more things. She write in norwegian and english at the same time)

It is curious that most of the blogs are written by ladies. I do not understand everything, I barely can have a notion of what they are writing in their blogs... Right now I´m like a child with attention problems or like a husband watching a game meanwhile the wife is saying something to him... barely understand some words or phrases!!

There are a lot more and you can find the right one for yourself looking the word "norway", for example, in


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