
Showing posts from September, 2007

Start asking

Start asking questions to people everywhere, but please do it in norsk :D You can use: Hva = What Hvem = Who Hvor = Where Hvordan = How Hvorfor = Why Hva heter du? (What´s your name?) Hva gjøre du? (What do you do?) Hvem er han? (Who is him?) Hvor er glasset? (Where are the glasses?) Hvordan kan jeg kjøre en bil? (How can I drive a car?) Hvorfor leser du boket? (Why do you read the book?) Those are my first selfmade questions in norsk. I hope I made them well, if you know norsk and see a mistake please tell me!!


I found a resource surfing on internet (don´t ask me how, i started in google and reach it somehow) called "Interactive Homework" or something like that. In norsk: Interaktive Oppgaver . If you are progressively learning Norwegian with the resources on this blog, you´re in capacity of doing this Oppgaver, it´s very easy at first, then it include a lot of new words so you can practice, i´m doing chapter 2 right now, but i recommend you to start with chapter one . You will find a test divided in 17 chapters with a lot of visual and audio resources. It´s absolutely free. You will need macromedia flash to play it because all the chapters are in flash.


Blogs from people from norway are a great tool to familiarize with norwegian. At first I was afraid of not understanding anything, but when you read and read you start to recongnize some phrases and words. And people puts a lot of pics in their blogs, that helps a lot because you can know about what they are talking. There are a few blogs that i´m following. Those are from people traveling around the world, studying or simply writing from their country. (She is studying in san diego, good to read) (Andrea in England, she recently got there) (She write about things she do. Cards, gifts and some more things. She write in norwegian and english at the same time) It is curious that most of the blogs are written by ladies. I do not understand everything, I barely can have a notion of what they are writing in their blogs... Right now I´m like a child with attention problems or like a husband watching a ga...

klokke? Det er ti over ti

Right know it´s 10:10 at night, or "ti over ti", as you prefer... I have a few days memorizing the way to say the time in norwegian. I repeat the time in norsk every time I put my eyes in my watch. Right now I´m very proud that I can tell the hour in norsk when speaking to someone (the pronunciation is very very easy and kind of catchy, but right now I don´t have any audio to show you) The only really bad thing is to see the face of every person that hear me saying, for example: "kvart over halv fire", but well, i have to learn to live with that meanwhile i´m here in this side of the world :) It really becomes very easy to do when you remember to do it constantly. Basically, you have to follow this process to whatever hour you like to say: 01:00 - klokken et 01:05 - fem over et 01:10 - ti over et 01:15 - kvart over et 01:20 - ti på halv to 01:25 - fem på halv to 01:30 - halv to 01:35 - fem over halv to 01:40 - ti over halv to 01:45 - kvart på to 01:50 - ti på to ...

20 first numbers, very easy

The first 20 numbers in norwegian are not very difficult to learn. After I learned them I had the capacity of telling the time. I will explain that in a later post. They are in order: null 0 en 1 to 2 tre 3 fire 4 fem 5 seks 6 syv 7 åtte 8 ni 9 ti 10 elleve 11 tolv 12 tretten 13 fjorten 14 femten 15 seksten 16 sytten 17 atten 18 nitten 19 tyve 20 Again, the best way to learn this numbers is by repetition. Nothing like listening repeatedly to them. I don´t have an audio file for this, if someone have one, please tell me!